Friday, 4 September 2015

Explanation Of Moving.

20150903_101838.jpgDon’t you feel weird when you move house well we have moved classes. We now are in the Hall we now have Hubs. Hub 1 is RM 1 and 2 Hub 2 is RM 3 , 4 and 5 I am in Hub 2. We did a presentation on how we want to learn in the Hub. My group was called the Fast Build Designers we had a great plan but… It was not good enough to be in the top 2. But the Rocket Designers and the DSS Designs got in the top 2 I think that their plan is good and deserved to be in the top 2. It is new to everyone even the teachers because this has never happened. We are staying in the hall to the end of the year thats a long time…

By Max