Friday, 1 August 2014


We investigated whether a carrot will float or sink in water by adding a slice to a cup of water. Firstly it sunk but once we added salt to the water it floated. The reason for this is because the salt made the water more dense than the carrot.

Secondly we placed a can of Coke and Coke Zero in a bucket of water and we predicted which one would float. The Coke Zero floated and the Coke did not float. This is because the Coke has sugar and the water is more dense than the Coke Zero. I thought they would both float but the Coke did not float.


Thirdly we had a cup and we put some water in it then we got some oil and poured 2cms of it into the cup then we got some food coloring and put it in the cup then we waited some of the drops went through the oil and some did not go through. Then we put salt into the cup it went straight to the bottom then rose to the top to the oil because the salt has more density than the food coloring and the oil.

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