Monday 16 February 2015


My Fun Holiday!!!

My Awesome Weekend
In the Awesome Holidays I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's Cool as Lodge with my friend Kieran.

It's in Waihi I really like the Lodge because we have our own radio and King Size Bed!!!!

On the way to round up the BULLS we were feeding out with all the hay. We were in the trailer. It was really bumpy and there was 50 BULLS!!!!

Once we got  them to the hill we couldn't get them up it!!! The trailer was to heavy to pull up the gigantic hill but 2 seconds later it fell of down the massive hill Grandpa said run to the Woolshed but Billy the horrifying goat was there he has got really big horns!

Then we went to the neighbours for dinner. We had a really nice Roast. Then we had Pudding we had Ice cream,Cake and Cheesecake.

The next day we went Shooting with a Rifle and  a 22 gun we hit a target and a petrol tank and that was the end of my Awesome Holiday!!!

The next day we went Shooting with a Rifle and  a 22 gun we hit a target and a petrol tank and that was the end of my Awesome Holiday!!!
By Max!!

1 comment:

  1. You sound as if you had a busy weekend Max.i like the sentence where you have said Grandpa said run to the woolshed and you have described the goat.
