Tuesday 12 May 2015



As we trekked up the windy steep road that took about 20 mins, we finally see the rocky old cliff face, everyone was so pumped up!!

At first we meet Damian and Jess who are the instructors who showed us how to attach our carabiners to our taught harness.

Then we smelt this terrifying smell. Damian said it was Percy the Possum. Damian said just walk past it. So we headed for Papa Bear and Mama Bear. It was so high up. When I got to Papa Bear I was as scared as a chicken.

10 mins later my heart was pounding. Damian wrapped the rope and carabiners around my harness. Finally I crept down the rocky cliff face. I hear my friends cheering on saying “Go Max you can do it”.

IMG_2974.jpgAs I go down the hardest part my shaking legs are slipping. I'm thinking “What’s the best way to do this?”. I get down it then I jump down the rest of the way. Mr Mitchell unhooked my carabiners and I hop across the stream to my friends. I got my foot wet but that didn't matter at least I got to the bottom. I felt like I my legs were going to fall of.  
The End

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