Wednesday 26 August 2015


As I slip and slide down the bank I hear the thumping athletes going past. Don’t stand on me please. There’s Bob over there he doesn't mind. Well I don’t think so... Atlast their gone. Wait I hear something coming AHHHH oh wait it’s just a little worm. Then I hear something there really is a person he’s going to stand on me NOOOOOO!!!! Splat AHHHHHH i’m in little pieces. Heres some more athletes they all stand on me SPLISH SPLOSH oh great now i’m in millions of little pieces. Phew the race is over now i’m all dry and hard. So much for a sunny day not. Wait what’s that noise I hear the speaker 1st place...  SPLAT ah bird poo now I stink as well. And I didn’t get hear 1st place.


  1. Very clever. I like the way you have said you have been split into a million little pieces. Just a reminder about checking punctuation.

  2. I like how you use alot more than your self .

  3. I like the way you said you have split into a million little piece
